Thursday, December 15, 2011

Indian Life

I confess I am Indian but I have never ever been to India. I don't even know what India looks like. Everyone just starts mocking me for the way I look, how much facial hair I have, and what I eat. But the worst part is that I don't even like Indian food. The only thing that I have from India and that I am proud off is that I am very talented with the computer.
             Everyone keeps on saying that I should shave and I look horrible with that furry little long thing across my face. The most I know about India is from the TV show called Outsourced. I don't even know any Indian music until I heard them in Outsourced.

People keep asking me how does India look and many other questions. Well guess what my mom is now wanting to put me in classes for religion again. Not knowing what anything is in my culture infuriates my mom. Whenever the day comes where I have to attend the classes, I fake to be sick. She is a really gullible person, she would never think I am faking in anything. Whenever she left to drop my sister to her classes, I went turned on the Xbox and played for several hours. She kept on calling me home to find out if everything was all right. With a fake voice I said I was feeling better and continued paying.

              Hopefully I will be going to India soon and will learn a lot of my culture without having to go to any classes. Having a long mustache, a weird accent, and eating different food that other people from school might not be used to, is just me, a normal young Indian boy so don’t mock (bother).
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Confession Tuesday

          I confess I am Indian but I have never ever been to India. I don't even know what India looks like. Everyone just starts mocking me for the way I look, how much facial hair I have, and what I eat. But the worst part is that I don't even like Indian food. The only thing that I have from India and that I am proud off is that I am very talented with the computer.
        Everyone keeps on saying that I should shave and I look horrible with that furry little long thing across my face. The most I know about India is from the TV show called Outsourced. I don't even know any Indian music until I heard them in Outsourced.
         People keep asking me how does India look and many other questions. Well guess what my mom is now wanting to put me in classes for religion again. Not knowing what anything is in my culture infuriates my mom. Whenever the day comes where I have to attend the classes, I fake to be sick. She is a really gullible person, she would never think I am faking in anything. Whenever she left to drop my sister to her classes, I went turned on the Xbox and played for several hours. She kept on calling me home to find out if everything was all right.

Should It Be Banned?

Since its publication in 1951, The Catcher In the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger has served as a conflagration for debate and extreme controversy. Although the novel has been the target of scornful criticism, it has also been the topic of wide discussion. The novel portrays the life of sixteen year old, Holden Caufield currently in psychiatric care. The novel has been accused of cursing, teenage sex, an many other issues. I think The Catcher In The Rye should not be banned for school.
Banning a book from school on the base of cursing is a bad reason. By excluding a novel from a high school curriculum in order to shelter students from cursing, is a horrible attempt. Cursing is found everywhere. Students hear curses on television, on radio, they read them in magazines, and a majority use cursing themselves in casual conversation.
It also should not be banned because the book’s ideas relate to the majority of teenagers throughout the country. Many say because of the book’s curses and teenage sexual relations, that it is a bad influence on many young adults. However, many teenagers have the same feelings as Holden towards many aspects of life.
 The novel, The Catcher In the Rye, should not be banned from the literature courses taught at the high school level. Cursing and teenage sex is the only complains that people had about the book. But most teenagers already use and hear curses. And most high school students already know about sex. It also limits freedom of speech and as well as other forms of expression.  
In conclusion I think that the book The Catcher In The Rye shouldn’t be banned. It continues to be a point of great public and critical debate. Yes, I would think that it should be restricted for people underage. People under 13 should not read this book because they might find it offensive but for people over 13 will like this book a lot.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Memoir Monday

I am here in Mrs. Meadows class waiting for school to end and Christmas to come. Hoping to get the gifts I always wanted. But no Mom says I won't get the gift i want unless i work for it and earn it. Getting all strait A's is what she wants. I have to get all strait A's if I want to get a new MacBook Pro. I need a MacBook Pro, my computer is old and spoiled now. It has been six years since i have had a new laptop. 
              Well working for my laptop is the only way I can get it. Going from class to asking for my grade. Luckily having all A's. But just about to reach Mrs. Post's room, I saw a B+ and it was for me. The B+ still haunting me in my head, What will I do? She looked pretty mad at everyone, I decided to go up to her and ask her what did I do wrong to deserve this horrible grade. She said that she hasn't put everything together so that is why I had a B+.
                   Happy and exited to know that I have all A's. Hopefully I earn my laptop.  Now I just need Mrs. Meadows to tell me my grade. Praying and hoping that i would get an A.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Reflection - A Long Way Gone

In this book, A long way gone, Ishmael the main character goes through some difficulty growing up. It all began when he was left alone only with his brother. It was the end of his childhood and all the peaceful memories he had  with him. While Ishmael was cooking, his friends, his brother and himself hear gunshots and hesitate whether to run or not. The shots stop for fifteen minutes, and they continue with their normal activities. Then, all hell breaks loose as the gunshots begin again, and everyone runs in confusion right over those who have fallen. Families are separated, and children cry for their mothers. After that the rebels stop and go to their village.
               Ishmael and his friends go looking for the money that Ishmael had hidden in the other village. Soon they start hearing the gunfire again and run away as fast as they can to avoid being caught. The boys get captured but another gunfire starts, which let them escape. Soon there is an unexpected attack by the rebels, which separates Ishmael from the other boys. Later, he meets Kaloko and they go looking for their friends but unfortunately could not find them.
 While Ishmael goes looking for his family to the next village, He sees his whole family dead. There he realizes that his parents died trying to save him. After some time the rebels come and capture him again. Ishmael a 12-year-old boy who only wanted to learn how to the dance was taken to serve the army for the war that was about to begin. Ishmael was taught to kill without emotion. He was taught not to look at the person and decide with compassion, but to just look at the situation. They taught him the situation was desperate and the only way to survive would be to obliterate the competition. They gave him no hope for a compromise. It was their way or death.
As a boy soldier, Ishmael consumed drugs and trained with AK-47’s. After sometime, he  got rescued from the UNICEF. Ishmael realizes that he has changed a lot after the war because he doesn’t care about killing anyone that gets in his way.  As he took so many drugs that it was not good for his health so he used to faint a lot. He was taken to the rehab center where he met the doctor. He got sick several times so he met the doctor a lot. He realizes that everyone deserves a second chance as he was given a second chance at the rehab center
He tries to stop having the drugs and succeeds. Each time meeting the doctor made them get to know each other better and they became friends. He finally gets relocated as he found a new family to be with. He decides to go and live with his uncle and his other family members. He also feels such guilt over being the only one in his family to have survived the war.
When Ishmael reached his uncle’s house he feels comfortable to be around him knowing that they were good people. They all got along very well. Soon Allie and Ishmael sneak out and go to a pub.
 When they all went New York City Ishmael felt better when he saw many people in the streets. Assuming that it would be safe. He noticed that New York City is very different to Sierra Leone. He felt very cold as he wasn’t wearing a jacket. When he reached the hotel he was very happy because he finally had a room to himself. As Ishmael didn’t know how to use the radiator he was very hot during the whole night. He wonders what kind of country is cold outside and very hot inside. Soon he returned back home.
When he reached back to Sierra Leone, he tells his family about his experience in New York City. Soon, he and Mohamed begin school again at St. Edward’s Secondary School. He was excited at first but no one wanted to get close to him as he was a soldier boy.
On May 25, 1997, Ishmael and Mohamed hear gunfire again. Ishmael tells himself if he staid in his country he would die. So he decides to go with his family and leave Sierra Leone.